Kleine Bühne Gießen
Bleichstraße 28
35390 Gießen
The Keller Theatre presents „ART“
A play by Yasmina Reza, translated by Christopher Hampton
Serge has bought a modern painting for a huge sum of money. Marc hates it and cannot believe that a friend of his could possibly want such a work. Yvan attempts, unsuccessfully, to placate both sides. If your friendship is based on tacit mutual agreement, what happens when one person does something completely different and unexpected?
This amateur production of „Art“ is presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Ltd.
Performances: May 26, June 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 and 17 2017
Time: 7.30 pm; Doors open: 7.00 pm
Please note that tickets are available at the: Theaterkasse or online http://www.keller-theatre.de/tickets
Tickets (10 €, reduced 7 €)
More information on http://www.keller-theatre.de
Schlagworte: Bühne, Theater